For alle kurs, ta kontakt for mer detaljert informasjon, timeplan, forkunnskapskrav, pris og forberedelser til kurs. Andre dato på forespørsel.

Classes are also in English - and classes can be arranged at different dates and locations other than the ones seen in the class overview.

Kurs oversikt / Class overview - Class schedule is online here:
Classes are scheduled on request - so if you do not find a class or date, please just get in
Annika teach every level from beginners, fundamentals, dry suit, and tech1 and cave1. She is also developing instructors within GUE.

Lyst til å lære deg å dykke?
Grunnkurs i dykking (=Rec1) - totalt 6 dager, og Norge´s beste kurs, enkelt og greit!

Lyst til å bli en bedre dykker?
Blir med på GUE Fundamentalskurs! Så lenge som du har noen type sertifisering siden før, så passer dette alle nivåer av dykkere.
Du vill alltids lære deg noe, så sant du er åpen for å lære! Annika har hat elever på kurs med alt fra 10 dykk til 5000+ dykk.

Lyst på å dykke dype vrak eller inn i grotter? 
Forkrav for Tech1 kurs og Cave1 kurs er Tech pass nivå - Oppgraderingsdykk på etterspørsel
Interessert i grottedykking? Cave 1 kurs er også mulig, i 2022 er det mulig i Mexico

Interested in Cave diving? Make sure to get solid training!
Forkrav for Cave1 kurs er Tech pass nivå - Oppgraderingsdykk på etterspørsel

Interessert i grottedykking? Cave 1 kurs er også mulig. Mexico is by the far the best diving and training location for caves. Other locations are also possible.

Annika is such a professional instructor with a genuine interest in the progress of each student. Her ways of explaining both the theory and the ways of behaving in water makes it easy to understand. I am very satisfied that I have hade the opportunity to learn from her, and would happily sign up for more courses with her!!
— GUE Beginner - Rec1 student
The Tech 1 class with Annika as an instructor is by far the most developing class I’ve had. Annika has and outstanding way to form the class so that it is easy to understand why and how we do things when we dive.

She is super helpful and sees everyone’s different need and makes sure that everyone understands before she goes on to another step.
— GUE Tech1 student