Annika is very knowledgeable and has a great passion for the underwater world.
A true ambassador of technical diving.
— Darksidedivers, Mexico

Annika has been diving since 1994, and enjoys all types of underwater environments. She thrives just as well on the bottom of the fjord as on deep wrecks, and inside caves and mines. She is as fond of the small life in the water as she is of sharks, and she photographs everything together with great enthusiasm.

Annika is trained as a Cave 2, Tech 2 and CCR1 diver within the GUE system. She has been a diving instructor for 15 years. On her courses, great emphasis is placed on safety. When safety is in place, everyone gets a pleasant and fun experience underwater. Annika is a patient and experienced instructor who wants her students to succeed, and she goes the extra mile to make it happen.

Annika is currently the only female GUE instructor in Scandinavia. She is also the only GUE Cave instructor in Scandinavia. She is a certified instructor for GUE courses from beginners to technical level and cave diving; REC 1, REC 2, REC 3, FUNDAMENTALS, and GUE Tech1 and GUE Cave1. She also conducts DRY SUIT COURSES for those who have taken courses in the South and would like to continue diving when they return home to colder waters. And if you don't quite know whether diving is for you, it is possible with a TRIAL DIVE. Annika also has courses such as DOCUMENTATION DIVER and DPV1 courses. Annika is also an "Instructor Trainer and Instructor Examiner" and develops instructors within the organization.

Annika is full time GUE instructor since 2020 and one of the few on a global basis who teaches both rec-fund-tech-cave.

Annika is more under than above water, and has passed 5,000 logged dives. These dives have been done around the world, including in cave systems in Mexico, Florida and France, in the mining projects Sala, Tuna Hästberg and Långban, in GUE projects in Lipari and the more domestic areas on the wrecks of, among others, Blücher, Radbod and on Åland, Narvik and in Gulen. She has also dived in Alaska, South America, Africa, Australia, the Philippines, and Indonesia, in various projects. And yes, she has also dived with tiger sharks in the Bahamas… and with manta shoals in the Maldives.

Annika is also a passionate underwater photographer, and in 2016 and 2017 she won gold during the Swedish Championship in underwater photography, as well as a trip to Honduras as part of the Ocean Art Competition.

Photo: Darksidedivers

Annika is a trained cartographer with 20 years' experience in GIS - Geographic Information Systems. She swims well and has swum a Half Marathon in open water. This in addition to being active in the Oslofjord Triathlon club board member in Norway's Cave Diving Association.

Først av alt hjertelig takk for et uforglemmelig kurs. Det var både mentalt og fysisk knalltøft, og det gikk bokstavelig talt vann over hode til tider.
Men på søndagen satt vi alle igjen med godfølelsen og var for å sitere deg «stolte av oss selv». Jeg tør påstå at alle aspirantene gjorde sitt ypperste for å gjennomføre!
I tillegg har du Annika overrasket meg svært positivt, spesielt din dedikert holdning og harde arbeidsinnsats. Å absorbere din rike kunnskap og erfaring har vært en «eye opener» for oss.
— GUE Fundamentals elev
“Jeg visste at Tech-oppgradering ikke var noe å ta lett på, så jeg forsøkte å forberede meg. Det viktigste jeg kan si om Annika er at hun virkelig, virkelig ønsker at elevene hennes skal lykkes. Det betyr ikke silkehansker, men knallharde økter med fokus på alle viktige drills, og med sikkerhet i høysetet. Når du endelig får tommel opp, vet du at det er fordi du har ferdighetene, har klart å vise dem på en god (nei, mange gode!) måte(r) og har fortjent den. Annika er tålmodig, oppmuntrende, vennlig, ekstremt kunnskapsrik, profesjonell - og hun smiler alltid. ”
— — GUE Fundamental Tech-elev